The Bridge

Bridge Young Adults

The Bridge is a ministry that is dedicated to supporting, caring for, and serving young adults. We believe that all of us are called to live a life abiding in Christ, and bearing fruit. Our vision is to see a generation of young believers who are steadfast in their faith, and as a result, are serving the community around them.

Mission Statement:
Challenging and encouraging one another to remain in Christ, to bear fruit, and to love one another.

Founding Scripture:
John 15:1-17

When We Meet

Who Can Come

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

If you consider yourself a Young Adult, Bridge is for you!

We want to welcome all young adults  to our  gatherings on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday night of each month.  We meet in room 218, please look for our sign at the Northwest entrance by the playground and ring the doorbell.   Come and enjoy a time of fellowship, worship, Bible Study and discussion!  

We also host some fun events! We post more information on our Instagram.  
Give us a follow if you're interested! 
We believe in creating a space specifically for young people
to connect with one another and deepen their faith.

Click here to email the Bridge Team.